Mastering IELTS Video Courses


In-depth video courses for success in IELTS Writing and IELTS Speaking – from The IELTS Teacher

“Some people don’t have the time or money to commit to Skype lessons. This is why I have created the ‘Mastering IELTS’ video series, which teach all of the most effective techniques which I offer my Skype students, but in the form of a thorough and easy-to-understand video course.
Each of these courses has been specifically designed for those students who are aiming to achieve a Band 7 or above. However, they will also be very useful for those who are aiming to achieve a 6 or 6.5 (though you may find them a little challenging at times). The Writing Task 2 course is relevant to both the Academic and General Training modules.

These video courses took a huge amount of time and effort to create, and I really do believe that they are some of the most detailed, comprehensive and effective video courses on IELTS anywhere on the internet.

“The ‘Mastering IELTS’ video courses are some of the most detailed, comprehensive and effective video courses on IELTS anywhere on the internet.”
As a measure of my confidence that you will achieve the band score you need, these courses come with a MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE – if you are not satisfied within 30 days, then your course fee will be returned to you, no problem.
I hope you enjoy your courses, and I look forward to reading about your excellent exam results. Good luck!” 

– Matt, The IELTS Teacher